Visit TRedess at BCA 2024
29 / May / 2024

Visit TRedess at BCA 2024

Come to see TRedess at Broadcast Asia Show 2024 Booth 6I2-7

Come to see TRedess at NAB Show 2024!
13 / April / 2024

Come to see TRedess at NAB Show 2024!

Feel free to register using TRedess guest pass code NS3478 to get a free pass

Visit TRedess at IBC 2023
15 / September / 2023

Visit TRedess at IBC 2023

TRedess, your specialist partner in air cooled TV and DAB+ Transmitters and Gap Filler solutions up to 5KW, will be presenting new optimized solutions for TV / Radio broadcasters & network operators at IBC 2023.

Visit TRedess at NAB Show in Las Vegas. April 15 - 19, 2023
27 / March / 2023

Visit TRedess at NAB Show in Las Vegas. April 15 - 19, 2023

TRedess, the Specialist in Air-cooled Digital TV and DAB+ Solutions, would like to invite you to IBC Show 2023!

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Si no dispone de usuario y contraseña, por favor solicitela aquí

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